The Cocktail Computer

My Account

Cheers & Thanks

old fashioned cocktails

It takes a village.

I may be a team of one, but I couldn't have gotten the Cocktail Computer to where it is today without the help of many people along the way. 

A big thank you to all who have helped, especially Sean McMahon, Sonia Szajnberg, Wyatt Funderburk, Mandy Funderburk, Scott Soifer, Mark Mezrich, Jeff Green, Jason Hill, John Dimatos, Carrie Albanese, Elisabeth Mercante, Nick Lyons and Nicole Martinez.


Kickstarter Wall of Fame 

Without our incredible backers, we never would have been able to bring this project to life. A special thank you to:

Steven Meyer
Kate Watson
Kaz de Groot
Jonathan Chaffin
Jay Ricciardi
Kathryn Lippert
Peter Schnare
Allison Jeanne

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